Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What Do You Love?

One of my favorite parts of working out is perusing through the random magazines I get in the mail. I don't have time to read most of the articles on my own, so I squeeze them in while I'm in the gym or on a plane. As I look through them, I mark any pages that I like. It might be an idea, a quote, a picture, etc, and every once in a while, I'll save an ad that I love. So, when reading Glamour (this was a free trade after Domino stopped being produced (a very, very sad day), I found an ad that I think suits me quite well. You might think it is a little over-the-top (but seriously, who are we talking about here?!), but I happen to love it. (I also have subscriptions to House Beautiful, the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, and Travel and Leisure- I *love* T+L- the December issue talked about spending Christmas in other parts of the world, and it made me desperately want to visit Munich!).

Set-up: This is part of a two page ad for Blackberry. There was a picture on the left-hand page (not sure of what though... by the time I got back to my apartment I had forgotten, and I had already left the magazine in the gym for someone else to read). On the right-hand page is the following text:

LIKE is watered-down love.
Like is mediocre.
Like is the wishy-washy emotion of the content.
Athletes don't do it for the like of a sport.
Artists don't suffer for the like of art.
There is no I like NY T-shirt.
And Romeo didn't just like Juliet.

LOVE. Now that's powerful stuff.
Love changes things.
Upsets things.
Conquers things.
Love is at the root of everything good that
has ever happened and will ever happen.

LOVE what you do.

FYI- Apparently there is also a t.v. commercial (I don't have very much extra time, and I guess t.v. just doesn't do it for me). Click here to see the main advertisement, but this date night version my favorite.

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