Monday, April 26, 2010

Doing Something for Those with Nothing

Last Friday my department spent half of our day performing community service at the Rhode Island Food Bank. They have a new marketing campaign they'll be launching at the beginning of May, and they needed assistance assembling displays that will be distributed to Dunkin' Donuts and Whole Foods stores in the area. Before we began, there was a short talk by the director- did you know that a $2.99 donation can provide 10 lbs of food to a family in need? It just goes to show that a little can go a long way.

I really enjoyed interacting with my co-workers outside of the office environment- I am lucky to have such a great team. (No, I'm not just saying that- most of them don't know I have a blog or know and don't read it.) Even though I'm excited about moving home, it will be hard for me to leave my RI work family.

Here are a few pictures from our department outing...

Our group picture--the lighting was not the greatest in the warehouse where we were working. Naturally, I'm on the left side right in the streak of sunlight and can't be seen.

Deb and I taking a break for a photo op

Here are the cans that we had to stack on the displays. Jim, Amy, and I raced Bill, Kevin, and Lauren to see who could stack the cans the fastest (we're not competitive at all!). The cardboard display was made of two parts, a top and a bottom, both of which had to be socked with empty tin cans (labels out, Dan!). After assembly, the team had to place a cardboard cover over the display without disrupting the cans! You'll be happy to know that my team came out on top.

Doesn't Lorna have a great smile?

Glenda (left) and Jeanne make building boxes look easy

Don't mess with Jim!

Deb! In the office (and outside of work, I guess) I always call Debbie by her first and last name together, so it feels a little incomplete to just type her first name.

Look for more pictures to come- I'm having some difficulty loading the rest of them onto my blog.

And speaking of volunteering, I'll tell you about the clinic I've been volunteering at in Providence later this week.

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