Monday, April 26, 2010

It's Not You, It's Me

I was going through my magazines, cutting out my favorite pictures and articles, when I came across an article I dog-eared from the January 2010 issue of Marie Claire (I got a free subscription!).

You're Not Lazy, Just Normal

Ever wonder who those people are, streaming out of the gym at 6 a.m., all finished that early-bird Spin class and raring to tackle the day? They're mutants--at least according to a recent article in Science. A variation of the DEC2 gene--known as the insomnia gene-- allows some humans to feel refreshed and energetic after just six hours of sleep. Mice with the mutant gene spend an hour-and-a-half longer each day on the running wheel compared to their counterparts. Humans born with the gene just make the rest of us feel bad.

Even if it's not 100% accurate, it does make me feel a little better though.


  1. Haha! I guess I'm one of those mutants! Boo!

  2. That makes me feel better, I really need my 8 hours of beauty rest :)
