Saturday, December 5, 2009

Breaking the Ice

What was one of my favorite things about being an RA, BGR leader, and a small group leader? ICEBREAKERS. Unlike many other people, I absolutely love playing the "getting to know you" games. I think most people just want to act like they are too cool to participate. Whenever I was leading a game or activity, I would remind everyone to take off their "TC hats" (TC= too cool). I would start to list some of my favorite games but that list is too long, and I'm running short on time.

So when I had to send in 5 unique facts about myself yesterday for an end of the year lunch for my department, I was so excited. I could only think of a couple of things at first, so I called my Mom for some ideas. The facts could be either personal or professional- I decided to go a little more on the crazy side (Who at work wants to hear more about work).

Here are the 5 top things you might not know about me...

1. I once got a French fry stuck up my nose.
2. I wore a bikini on stage in a high school play.
3. My picture was in U.S. News and World Report last year.
4. I've never eaten a hamburger.
5. My dream job is to own a candy store.

Do you think they'll be able to guess who it is? What would your top 5 facts be? Later I will add some more fun facts, but I need to head to the airport. I am leaving to go to VEGAS for Midyear! I've never been to Vegas, and I'm really excited to see some of the sights. I'll be working most of the time I'm there, but sometimes it's nice just to get away. I'll try to write on my blog while I'm there, but I'm not sure that my work computer will even let me access this address. If not, I'll fill you in after I get back next Thursday.

Have a great weekend!

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