Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ready... Camera... Action!

If I told you that I was at a store shooting a training video on my second day, would you believe me? Neither would I... I acted as "Nikki Clement," a patient at both drop-off and pick-up. If you are wondering, I made up the name, but not in regards to anyone in particular. :)

They were shooting the video to highlight some of the added features of our new computer system that is going be rolled out company-wide by the end of the year (if all goes well!). I never realized how much work goes into making a production. We had to do each scene from several different angles, all of which were repeated as well. So, in the end, 7 hours of footage = one, 3-minute video. Isn't that incredible?! I forgot my camera's battery, but Deb snuck a couple of pictures at the end. I'll pass them along when she sends them to me.

This experience ALMOST counts towards one of the items on my list of "Things to Do Before I Die," which is "to be a commercial." I'm still hoping that the makers of Diet Coke reach out to me to be a spokeswoman, but I don't think I'm quite qualified enough at the moment. If you didn't already know, I am a HUGE fan of lists. I've got them everywhere... in folders, stored on my phone, and on my yellow legal pad. It would take up a lot of space to list everything I want to do, but here are a few highlights:
  • Own a sailboat and live on the ocean
  • Surprise a deserving waitress with $100 tip
  • Run a mini-marathon
  • Be a contestant on a game show
  • Take my parents on a special vacation
  • Start a scholarship fund
  • Build a treehouse

I also have lists of places to visist, bands/artists to see in concert, personal qualities to have, budgets/expenses, goals, blah blah blah. Right now I'm in the process of making a couple of lists that I need YOUR help to create! I have been out of the movie and book scene for basically the last 6 years (pharmacy school does that to you!). I did manage to finish The DaVinci Code during our trip and The Kite Runner just over the past week. I'm really going to try to make an effort to read a book every 1-2 weeks as soon as I'm done studying for my boards. What are some of your all-time favorite books and movies? In your opinion, what are some classics that I should read/watch/etc during the next year? Thanks in advance for your help!

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