Sunday, June 28, 2009

I Should Have My Own Show

Do you ever feel like your life could be used as the storyline for a sitcom? Me too. Read on...
After a long day of shopping, sorting, and more cleaning, I was winding down for the evening and thought I'd take some pictures of my somewhat finished aparment to share with you. I started in the living room/kitchen/great room but decided to start with my front door. Behold, Apartment 121W.

Swoooosh. And just like that, I was locked out of my apartment. At 9:00 PM on a Sunday night. I knocked on my neighbor's doors and two other doors of people I've met, only to get no answer. Desperate, I stopped the valet trash man to use his phone. (About Valet Waste- Let me just say that I think it is absurd to pay to have someone walk around the apartment building and pick up trash. I don't even want to know how much I'm paying for the yellow-vested guy with the hiking boots to take out my garbage. And no, it's not optional here.) Just that minute, my next door neighbors showed up (whom I had not met). Angelica was nice enough to lend me her phone to call a locksmith. It took everything in me not to break down, but I somewhat held it today until the locksmith came to save the day.

He ended up not being able to pick the lock, which actually makes me feel somewhat secure to know that not even a professional could break in without an electric drill. I would normally feel guilty about a half an hour of drilling, but 1. My neighbors didn't answer their doors and 2. the people above me wake me up with crying children and keep me up with fights that border on verbal domestic abuse. After it was all over, I had to laugh at myself... all I wanted was to have good pictures for my blog!

Locksmith drilling my door open: $140

After-hours lockmsmith service call: $40

Learning never to lock myself out of my apartment: priceless

1 comment:

  1. This picture pretty much sums up your experience here:
