Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Speaking Legal-ese

Oh my goodness! I am awful! I can't believe it's been five days since I last posted. (Legitimate excuse, though... I've been busy studying for my law exam.) However, now that I'm done with my two big exams, I will have *much* more free time to keep you updated.

I took the Rhode Island Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam (MPJE) this morning. I'm not sure why I only allowed five days time between taking the NAPLEX and the MPJE, but it seemed like a good idea when I signed up a month or so ago. I had to kick it in full gear over the weekend to learn the different pharmacy regulations here, especially around Controlled Substances. For you non-pharmacy folks out there, individual states have the ability to create their own laws surrounding controlled drugs, which lends itself to lots of variance between them. For example, you can fill a 60 days supply for amphetamine salts in Rhode Island (only 30 in Indiana); prescriptions for controlled substances are only valid for 30 days (I think!) here but are good for 6 months to a year (depending on the schedule) in Indiana. I'm taking the Indiana MPJE at the end of August but that won't require near as much studying, since I have several years of practice as a knowledge base. (Trust me... pharamcists have a lot of rules to follow!)

Today I signed up for the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear Meeting in Las Vegas, and I am so excited to go! Some of my friends went while we were in school, but since I was never interested in pursuing a residency, I never went. The conference serves several purposes... 1. Showcases available residency positions across the United States 2. Updates on clinical information and professional skills 3. Networking with other pharmacists that work in similar practice environments 3. Continuing Education (CE) classes 4. Uniting pharmacists across different fronts to help advance pharmacy practice. This year the meeting is titled, "Guiding Change," and will be focused on "developing the tools you’ll need to usher in a new era of health care." I am looking forward to catching up with old friends, expanding my clinical knowledge, and visiting Las Vegas! I know I won't have much time to play, but at least I'm staying in the middle at the action... The Venetian.

I've got a special project to work on before I come home on Friday (eeeee!), but I'll post more later about the highlight of last weekend.

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