Saturday, July 11, 2009


Friday, July 10, 2009

6:00 AM: phone alarm goes off (Ringer is the theme from Saved by the Bell)

6:05 AM: hit phone alarm snooze

6:10 AM: Sweetheart alarm goes off, hit phone alarm snooze

6:30 AM: wake back up to phone alarm. (must have fallen asleep after alarm #3)

6:33 AM: finally get out of bed. Sure my neighbors love me at this point-the walls here are a little on the thin side.

6:50 AM: get out of the shower and attempt to pick out an outfit.

6:58 AM: dry and curl my hair, which I realize is getting long. Not looking forward to finding somewhere to get it cut around here.

7:14 AM: Try to pick out an outfit again. Pick a purple dress.

7:17 AM: Eat breakfast, make lunch, and read parts of the article my students are presenting on later that day.

7:29 AM: Realize that I had better get ready to leave for work. Also realize I wore this dress last week. Quickly change into heather-brown dress pants, a coral top, and brown heels.

7:30 AM: Put on my make-up. Normally would have put it on in the car, but Nick convinced me otherwise a couple of months ago. Read this.

7:36 AM: Leave for work. Decide I'll take a different route this morning that I think is faster.

7:40 AM: Make a wrong turn onto 146 N instead of 146 S.

7:46 AM: Still driving on 146 N. No exits, no where to turn around. Wire fence and steel graters in the highway divider.

7:48 AM: See a dirt road with a sign that says "For Official Use Only." Don't see any exits down the road. Feeling pretty official. Decide to use it to turn around.

7:49 AM: Successfully get onto 146 S. Finally on my way to work. See flashing red and blue lights.

7:50 AM: Get stopped by an older policeman. Took my license and registration (By the way- I HATE my license picture! It is atrocious! Now you're not allowed to smile (with your teeth showing) in Indiana. They claim it helps with computer-driven face recognition. That's fine, but this makes my face looks chubby.)

7:59 AM: After convincing him I am a) a new RI resident b) trying to get to work and c) really sorry and I'll never do it again, he lets me go without a ticket or warning.

8:24 AM: Arrive at work. Sea of cars forces me to park all the way in the back row. While getting out of my car, I realize I forgot my lunch.

8:32 AM: Stop by Debbie's desk. Tell her about my morning. All she can do is laugh.

What a morning! I end up having a great day at work, even if the morning was a little bumpy. I had two more meet n' greets- Debbie has been kind enough to set up meetings for me with people all over the company that I'll be working with throughout the year. I met with a lawyer who is charge of HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) in the morning, and later that afternoon, I met with two people in our pharmacy marketing/merchandising group. One of the individuals is a pharmacist who is now in charge of working with manufacturers to purchase all of the branded prescription drugs we carry. I've always said that I love the variety of opportunities that are available for pharmacists, and so far, my residency has made that even more apparrent.

I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do Friday night, but I knew I had to go do something or I would go crazy! Following some advice, I headed to Thayer Street in Providence. It is a busy, eccletic street near the center of Brown University. I think it was a little slower that normal, seeing that school wasn't in session, but I was okay with that. I didn't stay out too long- just some people-watching (love this!) while sitting at an outdoor table, sipping a glass of wine at a local restaurant, Paragon. At the end of the night, even though I didn't want to go out by myself, I'm glad I did. It's funny- I've never felt uncomfortable about doing things by myself until now, when I actually have to. Having the option of being with people or doing something alone somehow seems different to me than my current situation.

A big thank you to those of you who have called, sent e-mails, written cards, and mailed packages! Mrs. K- you are so thoughtful! I am looking forward to seeing you at Andrew's baptism. Debbie and Jerry-- I love the new kitchen accessories! I was actually in desperate need of dishtowels- and they are in my favorite colors! I'll put a picture of them up tomorrow for all to see.

Stay tuned- more to come on today's adventure in Wickford Village tomorrow! Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You get to come back for Andrew's baptism!!! How fun it will be for us all to have you here :) I love your blog ! Good persuasive skills in dealing with the Rhode Island cop :) I used a similiar tatic when I was driving my new "stick shift" car and shifted right into a too fast of a speed ! It worked for me , too !
